Expansion/Contraction of Metals

Students' Page

Copyright 1999 by James P. Riser

Background info:

In this activity you will be comparing expansion and contraction rates for several types of metals. You will be working with fire and need to take necessary precautions. It will be wise to remember that the metal being heated will remain hot for a few minutes after the flame is removed!

Goals - this activity was created to present you with the opportunity to:

The specialized equipment needed is illustrated below:


A large sewing needle needs to have a copper wire pointer threaded through it and twisted around the needle eye.

The needle rests between the glass microscope slide and the metal bar being tested.

As the bar expands, the needle will roll like a wheel. This causes the pointer to move.

Readings are taken from a watch and the protractor. You are to record both time and degree readings.

A view of the complete apparatus:

Getting started: